In current engines we use exothermic chemical
reactions (chemical process that releases heat ) to heat the hot part, so that the heat of the environment to use
for a cold part - Chart 1.
I would venture to suggest that to using endothermic
chemical reaction (chemical reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings) to cool the cold part, so
that the heat of the environment to use to heat the hot part - Chart 2.
Let working substance (γ)
of the engine has a boiling point lower than the temperature of the environment
- for example, γ is ammonia ( 240K bp). At ambient
temperature 290K gases ammonia have 8MPa
pressure and driven turbine (piston). To close the cycle will use an
endothermic reaction between two substances α and
β to the heat exchange with the gases ammonia, which
will liquefy the low temperature caused by a chemical reaction. Let α and β are
nitrogen and oxygen, such as by reacting with each other to give Nitrous oxide ( N2O ).
This chemical reaction is related to the withdrawal of heat.
Another option (why not essential?) Is α
and β are solvent and solute (salts), in
mixing that takes heat (endothermic solution). Guess - When solutions can probably achieve the
best option - to crystallize by the heat of the environment? So we can repeat the process again with the
same substances?
Naturally – The unit and processes must be heat insulated
from the environment.
PS I am a supporter on the physical method with use of mechanical
power (refrigerator) to obtain the cold in cold part.
2 may 2016
How nice it would be if we have any substances that are interconnected in endothermic reaction and the resulting chemical compound is unstable at ambient temperature! For example we use the chemical reaction between these substances to create a cold area with very low temperatures (to accept lower than 170K), and then after put out the resultant compound from thermal insulated cold part of the unit to the environment warm up in which disintegrate? The law of Lavoisier - Laplace collapse will be accompanied by heat, which we can use to heat the hot part of the unit / other unit. Or a catalyst to help the separation / reaction of the substances?
So we can use the same amount of substances repeatedly to provide engine work - a renewable process so that the resulting mechanical energy of the unit will be 100% renewable sources.
I will try to convince chemists that is worth working on.
3 may 2016
Yes, the idea of cold part created by a chemical reaction is not new to me, but these days more and more solidified the idea that if there are appropriate substances, such unit will be useful in many cases even more than the aggregate with cold part created by physical methods. Probably chemical method will allow us smaller in size engines with more power . In the chemical method is likely to achieve greater temperature difference between the hot and cold part with less components - compressor dropped for example.
Of course the comparison between the physical and chemical unit is possible olny in renewable chemical processes.
Wanted! Wanted!
The attention of chemists:
Seek solutions and substances that have properties
such substances α and β
of Chart 3:
1. To connect each other in an endothermic reaction
(1 on diagram3)
2. The resulting compound / solution is unstable at
ambient temperature (2 on diagram3)
3. With some intervention (heating, catalyst spark
etc.) unsustainable compound between them to break, assuming that this process
is accompanied by heat (3)
4. Divide substances and cooled them to ambient
temperature, so that we can fulfill all these four points again
Many thanks
Svetozar the Cold
5 may 2016
This is at first glance. Actually we have two heat exchange with the environment -
Position 2 - the compound is heated (assuming energy) from the environment during its transition from cold to warm part
Position 4 - substances cool - give out energy to the environment in their transition from warm to cold part
These two heat transfer (position 2, 4) form a useful mechanical energy that can be drawn from such an engine, and it is equal to the difference between the amount received heat from the environment during the passage of the compound from the cold to the warm part - Qin , and the amount of given heat the passage of substances from the warm to the cold part - Qout
Wturbine = Qin - (- Qout) = Qin + Qout
In fact - the sum of the amounts of heat exchanged between the substances and the environment.
Perhaps and you ask yourself - Why to use a chemical method once and it useful energy is formed by the heat exchange between a substance and environment as in physical method ?
It should be chemical (assuming that we have renewable chemical processes) take advantage, because the warm part in this method can have a temperature higher than ambient temperature (while in physical strictly confined to the ambient temperature). It will shape a large temperature difference between the hot and cold side of the unit, respectively greater useful power.
7 may 2016
for useful mechanical energy expressed by the quantities of heat which substances exchange with the environment is wrong.
Although I know that when it comes to converting heat into work before I have to express any statement on the matter have to think twice and still make mistakes to express an opinion without I have thought many times - I beg your pardon!
This formula will make / destroy energy
Come on, let's remakes:
By the law conservation of energy: the sum of the mechanical energy produced by the converter on heat into mechanical energy Wturbine and Qout must be equal to amount of heat given from the environment on the compound / solution - Qin.
The mechanical energy from the turbine will turn into heat and to be not create / destroy energy should have the following equality:
Wturbine + Qout = Qin
so that:
Wturbine = Qin - Qout
I will use the case that I am in mine blog to present an analogy on external combustion - internal cooling engine . Because of frequent disputes if possible: the conversion of heat on the environment into mechanical energy, which will inevitably turn into heat and this circle of energy is repeated , want to give an analogy that I think is relevant (It applies to aggregate filled in the physical method, but probably appropriate in aggregate performed by chemical methods with renewable chemical processes):
Will compare unit with a dam and power plant. The thermal insulation of the engine is the sluice that barred the river. If we have a river / environment with a suitable temperature; and a turbine, to obtain mechanical energy than we should to dam the river / to insulated unit. The river will fill dam / should need more investment - to cool the cold part by external force ..... in both cases nature will do the rest.
External combustion - internal cooling engine - This definition is probably not appropriate for the engine as this on chart 3, but the definition suggest to refine when we find a renewable chemical process.
Because I feel that I have nothing more to add on the subject external combustion - internal cooling engine, I will concentrate on one of my "old love" and in the next few years (maybe soon) will present a theory that is in another area other than physics - To make a announcement :
If you see Svetozar the... (I have not yet decided what) to advertise a theory - read! I hope that will be interesting and will not waste time in vain.
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