I would like to share more thoughts on the
topic, because my method for converting heat into mechanical energy raises many
questions that we've never asked ourselves. And the answers are not easy,
considering the many dependencies of thermodynamic and mechanical nature in it.
More so than 200-300 years, we used to have "free" cooling (whether
the method is external or internal combustion engines) and to "pay"
for heating. Disposal of waste steam and exhaust gases in the atmosphere is
"free" cooling. OТЕС only have a "free" heating and
cooling.But they have to seek special places on the planet where nature
provides similar temperature differences.My method can turn the heat to the environment
(atmosphere, rivers and seas) almost anywhere on earth.
The heat got it everywhere - and
everywhere I can create cold, so I can use it.
When I want to use the "free"
heat of the environment do not have a cold - all around me was equally warm. I
need to create cold, to "pay" for the cold - this is the prerequisite
for the conversion of heat around the device into mechanical energy. But
will "pay" only once, initially. Then I will ask the pumps right
flow, so that the cold part remains cold, while in the warm part the heat
of the environment turns into mechanical energy.
This can only be achieved with a closed
loop of the working substance. To close the cycle of working substance must
always "pay" - theoretically no free closed cycle. To make it
possible to close the cycle of working substance, and we remain
"profit" as we mean that necessarily will "pay" must take more
energy than will "spend" to close the cycle. We achieve this by
increasing the number of couples - evaporator - energy converter. For a given
flow pumps more couples arrange in the chain, we are approaching closer to
"free" closing of the cycle - the temperatures tend to boiling
point of the working substance.We can never reach the boiling point - there is
no way on the one hand there is no pressure on the other to have a conversion
of heat into mechanical energy. But at temperatures close to the boiling point
will close the cycle easily - from the temperature difference -
environment-boiling point will remain useful mechanical energy.
Assume that we have reached the
boiling point - lets include in cycle another couple. They appear already
harmful to useful energy - the evaporator has no power to push - energy
converters will be a suction pump (suction actually not so bad. My initial
ideas were last one(few) to suck, sucking means cooling the
evaporator hence cooling of the heat exchanger with gaseous substance. So with the
help of sucking however, a one (few) couples can close the cycle of working
substance. Then I realized that this method of closing the cycle an energy
(heat) will accumulate in cold part. Then "came "compressors"
and sent "residual "energy (heat) in the warm part of the device to
work for some :)). Then we can increase the flow of the pump - to increase
the temperature and to return to the previous regulations. This means more
usable energy.
We can conclude - for each configuration
(number and size of couples - evaporator - energy converter) the unit has
optimal flow pumps, in which the closing of the cycle is the most "-
cheap" and the useful energy is the largest.
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